Sylvox 24" Smart 12 Volt Fernseher mit DVD-Player (2023 Limo-Serie)

Sylvox 24" Smart 12 Volt Fernseher mit DVD-Player (2023 Limo-Serie)


Sylvox 24" Smart 12 Volt Fernseher mit DVD-Player (2023 Limo-Serie)

Sonderpreis €479,00

für Zuhause und Auto

DC (9V-36V) AC (100V-240V)

Eingebauter DVD-Player

  • Smart: Android 11.0 System, Eingebauter APP-Store, Apps können kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.
  • DVD: Eingebauter DVD-Player unterstützt DVD/VCD/CD-Discs
  • Für die Autoverwendung, Ferntransporter und Ferienhütten:
    1. 12 Volt TV, unterstützt DC 9-36V-Eingang, mit AC 100-240V-Netzadapter
    2. Kann an einen Antenne und Satellit angeschlossen werden
    3. Leistungsaufnahme(W)<30W
    4. Seismisches Design, bestand den 4G-Vibrationstest
    5. Mehrfachschutzdesign
  • Für den Heimgebrauch: auch ausreichend für den Heimgebrauch
  • Weitere Funktionen:
    1. 1080P FHD-TV mit 178°H/178°V ultraweitem Betrachtungswinkel.
    2. Unterstützt Chromecast vom Andorid- oder IOS-Gerät zum TV
    3. Doppellautsprecher (Dolby MS12-Sound)
    4. Kabellose Verbindung: WLAN und Bluetooth
    5. Mehrere Verbindungen mit USB,DVB-S2,DVB-C/T/T2, KOAXIAL, CI+ usw.
    7. Rahmenloses Design
  • 2-Jahres-Produktgarantie
  • Versand aus Europa, Ankunft innerhalb von 2-5 Werktagen
    Ohne Ständer
    22 zoll
    493 x 286 x 48 mm
    100 x 100 mm 3,0 kg
    24 zoll
    540 x 319 x 48 mm
    100 x 100 mm 3,6 kg
    32 zoll
    712 x 418 x 43 mm
    200 x 100 mm 6,6 kg











    Display-Technologie: LCD
    Reaktionszeit (typisch): 5 ms
    Helligkeit (cd/m2, typisch): 250 cd/m2
    Kontrastverhältnis (typisch): 3000:1
    Bildrate: 60 Hz
    Bluetooth: 5.0
    Seitenverhältnis: 16:9
    Netzwerkeingang: RJ45 & WLAN

    HDMI 1: CEC
    HDMI 2: ARC

    Weitere Spezifikationen und Modellvergleiche finden Sie unten auf der Seite

    Sprache 22" und 24" 32"
    English PDF PDF
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    • Kostenloser Versand in EU-Länder
    • 30 Tage Kostenlose Rücksendung
    • Globale Mehrsprachige Unterstützung
    • Auf Lager
    • Nachbestellt, bald verfügbar
     Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten

    Wir tun unser Bestes, um Ihr Seherlebnis zu verbessern

    Smart-TV für unterwegs und zu Hause. Flexibel für verschiedene Umgebungen.

    Ein praktisches Produkt, das nicht ungenutzt bleibt


    Eingebauter DVD-Player

    Smart Android TV




    Perfekt für eine Ferienhütte

    Hochwertiger 12V-Fernseher

    Rahmenlos und ultraschlank

    Ein ultradünnes Design mit einem unglaublich schmalen 0,04-Zoll-Rahmen


    Stabiler Ständer aus hochwertigen Metallmaterialien (Der Ständer für 32-Zoll-TV besteht aus hochfestem Kunststoff statt aus Metall)

    Bluetooth- und WLAN- Verbindung

    Schließen Sie externe Lautsprecher an, um Ihre Lieblingsinhalte unterwegs noch besser genießen zu können

    178°/178° großer Betrachtungswinkel

    Das Bild bleibt auch aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln perfekt dargestellt

    Kleiner Fernseher für Zuhause und Autos


    Kein Bohren von Löchern erforderlich, leicht zu bewegen und zu installieren (im Standardpaket enthalten)


    Platzsparend und sehr stabil unterwegs (muss separat erworben werden)

    Multifunktionaler Einsatz

    ports from user manual.jpg__PID:5faa87f6-9aab-4d23-930b-2a8bd726d30d


    Wir haben 4 Optionen – das Paket ist noch kostengünstiger

    Option 1 – Nur TV

    Option 2 – TV +Wandhalterung


    Option 3 - TV +12V Soundbar

    Option 4 - TV + Wandhalterung + 12V Soundbar


    12V TV

    FHD TV

    DVD TV

    Smart TV

    Technische Spezifikationen und Modellvergleich

    Wenn du diese Seite auf dem Handy ansiehst, wird empfohlen, das Tablett im Querformat anzuzeigen

    Nettogewicht: 3,0 kg

    Nettogewicht: 3,6 kg

    Nettogewicht: 6,6 kg


    VESA zur Montage 22", 24":
    100 mm x 100 mm

    VESA zur Montage 32":
    200 mm x 100 mm (Horizontal x Vertikal)

    ProduktNicht Intelligent 22"Limo Serie 22"Limo Serie 24"Limo Serie 32"
    Ohne Ständer490.0 x 294.6 mm x 47.6 mm493 x 286 x 48mm540 x 319 x 48mm712 x 418 x 45 mm
    Mit Ständer490.0 x 313 x 125 mm493 x 311 x 125mm540 x 345 x 125mm 712 x 468 x 198 mm
    Reaktionszeit (typisch)
    5 ms5 ms//
    Helligkeit (cd/m2, typisch)
    250 cd/m2250 cd/m2//
    Kontrastverhältnis (typisch)
    Betrachtungswinkel (H/V)
    H: 178°, V: 178°H: 178°, V: 178°//
    Bildrate60 Hz60 Hz//
    Betriebssystem-Android 11//
    Netzwerkeingang-RJ45 & WLAN//
    WLAN-IEEE 802.11b/g/n (Unterstützung 5G WLAN)//
    Schwache Signalverstärkung-JA//
    Video EingangATV/DTVATV/DTV//
    Digital TunerDVB-T2&S2DVB-T2/S2//
    StromversorgungDC12V , 9-32V / AC 100-240VDC12V , 9-32V / AC 100-240V//
    Eingabe und Ausgabe:
    CI +x1x1//
    SCART x1x1//
    Audioausgangx2 (2 x 2W)x2 (2 x 2W)//
    MINI AV INx1-//
    MINI YPbPr IN x1-//
    ProdukttypKostenErwartete ZeitLogistikLand
    ZubehörKostenlos2–5 WerktageDHL/DPDEU-Mitgliedstaaten
    TV 55" oder innerhalb von 55"Kostenlos2–7 WerktageDHL/DPDEU-Mitgliedstaaten
    TV über 55"Kostenlos5–12 WerktageDHL/DPDEU-Mitgliedstaaten

    Ja, natürlich! Sie können problemlos einen Fire Stick oder Roku Stick mit diesem Fernseher verbinden.

    Ja, dieser 12V-Fernseher verfügt über einen App-Store, und Sie können alle genannten Apps ohne zusätzliches Gerät herunterladen.

    Ja, Sie können alle Android-, Apple- und andere Geräte mit diesem Fernseher verwenden.

    Ja, Sie können unseren 12V-Fernseher zu Hause verwenden. Er wird mit einem Adapter geliefert, der ihn für den Einsatz in häuslichen Umgebungen geeignet macht, und er ist auch mit 12V-Stromquellen wie Fahrzeugen kompatibel.

    1: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Kreditkarteninformationen korrekt eingegeben wurden.

    2: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Kreditkarte ausreichend gedeckt ist.

     Wenn Ihre erste Zahlung abgelehnt wird, versuchen Sie es bitte erneut. Sie können auch eine Kreditkarte, PayPal oder andere Zahlungsmethoden wählen.
    Bei Fragen zur Zahlung können Sie uns jederzeit unter kontaktieren. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.

    Es gibt auch einen Schalter unter dem Fernseher. Bitte befolgen Sie diese Schritte zum Testen:
    1. Schalten Sie den Schalter ein und prüfen Sie, ob die Anzeige leuchtet und welche Farbe sie hat.
    2. Wenn die Anzeige leuchtet, drücken Sie bitte erneut den Netzschalter.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 22 reviews
    Michael Heuperman
    Full options but slow

    The TV has an okay picture and many features, Android TV etc. but its so slow that many streaming apps wont give a nice view. The streams stutter and falter and even many times freeze. Even tho its connected on 1gbit internet on a cable. Too bad

    Francis Zummo
    A Great TV!

    We're very happy with our new Sylvox tv. We bought it for our RV and it's the perfect size for a small rv bedroom. We had a little issue with the AC adapter but Sylvox's customer service immediately shipped us a new one. It's ships with AC and DC adapters as well as an easy to use remote. If there's something you can't figure out on the remote, the tv manual is easy to understand. We highly recommend this tv


    Just received my set a week ago, it was easy to setup and works great in my RV.

    Daughtry Holly
    Product Review: SYLVOX 24 Inch TV 12 (Limo Series)

    I recently purchased the SYLVOX 24 Inch TV from the Limo Series for my boat, and I must say that it has exceeded my expectations in many ways. This 12 Volt Smart TV offers a host of features that make it a perfect addition to any boat or RV setup.

    First and foremost, the picture quality is outstanding. The Full HD 1080P resolution ensures crisp and clear visuals, making it a pleasure to watch movies, sports, or even regular TV shows. The colors are vibrant, and the viewing angles are good, which is especially important in a confined space like a boat.

    The built-in DVD player is a convenient feature, as it saves the hassle of carrying an external player and cords. I've used it to play various DVDs, and the playback quality has been consistently good. It's a great option for entertainment during long journeys or when anchoring at a beautiful spot and wanting to watch a movie.

    Another highlight of this TV is the ARC (Audio Return Channel) and CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) support. With ARC, I can connect the TV to my home theater system using a single HDMI cable, and the audio is transmitted back to the speakers without the need for extra cables. CEC allows me to control multiple connected devices using a single remote, streamlining my setup and making navigation a breeze.

    The WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity are convenient features, allowing me to connect the TV to my mobile devices for streaming content or listening to music. The TV's smart capabilities enable access to various apps, although the app selection might be limited compared to larger, more mainstream smart TVs.

    One aspect that impressed me is the TV's power efficiency. Since it operates on 12 Volts, it draws less power compared to traditional TVs, which is perfect for boating trips where conserving energy is crucial.

    The design of the SYLVOX 24 Inch TV is sleek and compact, making it easy to fit into tight spaces. The build quality feels sturdy and durable, which is essential for a TV that might experience some movement during boat trips.

    However, there are a couple of minor downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, the audio quality is decent, but it could be improved. External speakers or a soundbar would enhance the overall audio experience. Secondly, while the smart features are handy, the TV's interface can be a bit slow and clunky at times.

    In conclusion, the SYLVOX 24 Inch TV from the Limo Series is an excellent choice for boat and RV owners looking for a compact, energy-efficient, and feature-packed TV. The impressive picture quality, built-in DVD player, ARC/CEC support, and smart capabilities make it a great entertainment companion on your water adventures. Just bear in mind that investing in external speakers might be necessary to get the best audio experience. Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this TV to fellow boating enthusiasts.

    Good customer care.

    I ordered a 24", that is fantastic for not buffering while watching movie apps. The problem I had with the old one was it didn't get updates for apps cause the browser would not support the apps. I tried getting a new browser and the operating system wouldn't support it. I didn't have that problem with this Sylvox. The only problem I had was the remote didn't work very good. Amazon give me a hundred dollar gift card, and I contacted the manufacturer and they give me a replacement without no fight at all. Simple pic of the model and serial number on back, and a screen shot of my Amazon shipping I sent them. Didn't take no arguing. They asked what the problem was, the next thing I knew, I got a replacement. Great tv great customer service from both companies. I will buy again, for sure.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 22 reviews
    Michael Heuperman
    Full options but slow

    The TV has an okay picture and many features, Android TV etc. but its so slow that many streaming apps wont give a nice view. The streams stutter and falter and even many times freeze. Even tho its connected on 1gbit internet on a cable. Too bad

    Francis Zummo
    A Great TV!

    We're very happy with our new Sylvox tv. We bought it for our RV and it's the perfect size for a small rv bedroom. We had a little issue with the AC adapter but Sylvox's customer service immediately shipped us a new one. It's ships with AC and DC adapters as well as an easy to use remote. If there's something you can't figure out on the remote, the tv manual is easy to understand. We highly recommend this tv


    Just received my set a week ago, it was easy to setup and works great in my RV.

    Daughtry Holly
    Product Review: SYLVOX 24 Inch TV 12 (Limo Series)

    I recently purchased the SYLVOX 24 Inch TV from the Limo Series for my boat, and I must say that it has exceeded my expectations in many ways. This 12 Volt Smart TV offers a host of features that make it a perfect addition to any boat or RV setup.

    First and foremost, the picture quality is outstanding. The Full HD 1080P resolution ensures crisp and clear visuals, making it a pleasure to watch movies, sports, or even regular TV shows. The colors are vibrant, and the viewing angles are good, which is especially important in a confined space like a boat.

    The built-in DVD player is a convenient feature, as it saves the hassle of carrying an external player and cords. I've used it to play various DVDs, and the playback quality has been consistently good. It's a great option for entertainment during long journeys or when anchoring at a beautiful spot and wanting to watch a movie.

    Another highlight of this TV is the ARC (Audio Return Channel) and CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) support. With ARC, I can connect the TV to my home theater system using a single HDMI cable, and the audio is transmitted back to the speakers without the need for extra cables. CEC allows me to control multiple connected devices using a single remote, streamlining my setup and making navigation a breeze.

    The WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity are convenient features, allowing me to connect the TV to my mobile devices for streaming content or listening to music. The TV's smart capabilities enable access to various apps, although the app selection might be limited compared to larger, more mainstream smart TVs.

    One aspect that impressed me is the TV's power efficiency. Since it operates on 12 Volts, it draws less power compared to traditional TVs, which is perfect for boating trips where conserving energy is crucial.

    The design of the SYLVOX 24 Inch TV is sleek and compact, making it easy to fit into tight spaces. The build quality feels sturdy and durable, which is essential for a TV that might experience some movement during boat trips.

    However, there are a couple of minor downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, the audio quality is decent, but it could be improved. External speakers or a soundbar would enhance the overall audio experience. Secondly, while the smart features are handy, the TV's interface can be a bit slow and clunky at times.

    In conclusion, the SYLVOX 24 Inch TV from the Limo Series is an excellent choice for boat and RV owners looking for a compact, energy-efficient, and feature-packed TV. The impressive picture quality, built-in DVD player, ARC/CEC support, and smart capabilities make it a great entertainment companion on your water adventures. Just bear in mind that investing in external speakers might be necessary to get the best audio experience. Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this TV to fellow boating enthusiasts.

    Good customer care.

    I ordered a 24", that is fantastic for not buffering while watching movie apps. The problem I had with the old one was it didn't get updates for apps cause the browser would not support the apps. I tried getting a new browser and the operating system wouldn't support it. I didn't have that problem with this Sylvox. The only problem I had was the remote didn't work very good. Amazon give me a hundred dollar gift card, and I contacted the manufacturer and they give me a replacement without no fight at all. Simple pic of the model and serial number on back, and a screen shot of my Amazon shipping I sent them. Didn't take no arguing. They asked what the problem was, the next thing I knew, I got a replacement. Great tv great customer service from both companies. I will buy again, for sure.